Friday, March 6, 2020

Stephanie W Maths, Physics and Oxbridge Admissions Tutor in London

Stephanie W Maths, Physics and Oxbridge Admissions Tutor in London Stephanie W is an engaging Oxford Physics graduate and Imperial PhD student who is tutoring Maths, Physics and Oxbridge admissions in London. On top of that, Stephanie is also a professional squash player; this lady is certainly talented! Why do you love tutoring? Partly, it’s an excuse for me to revisit interesting maths and physics concepts that I don’t meet on a day-to-day basis. And it is very rewarding watching my students improve. Last year, both the students who I guided through Oxford entrance received offersâ€" a thrilling outcome! Who inspired you in education? Lots of people. I had a great Physics teacher at school, an excellent Physics tutor at Oxford and I have two brilliant supervisors at Imperial. What else do you get up to besides tutoring? Mainly squash. I am trying to hit the top 100 in the world by the end of this year. If you had a superpower what would it be? Getting by on very little sleep. There aren’t enough hours in the day for all the things I want to get up to! What advice would you give to a parent on how to find a tutor? Tutoring is a very personal thing, so make sure you find a good fit for your child. Also think about the bigger picture. Will the tutor inspire your child and be a good role model? Stephanie is a: Maths A-Level tutor Physics A-Level tutor Maths Aptitude Test (MAT) tutor Oxbridge Admissions tutor Physics Aptitude Test (PAT) tutor UKMT Challenge tutor If you or your child needs help with Maths tuition, Physics tuition or Oxbridge Admissions tuition, then please  visit Stephanie’s profile page on the Tutorfair website to  book a lesson. Photograph from  CC-by

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